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Meet some of the main aquariums and ornamental ponds we've made
Eugene's carp lake
The Eugênio lake was built in 2017 by us to compose the entrance to our friend Eugênio's house. The lake was made of chipped honey stone glued one by one to form the lake.
The filtration of this lake consists of one of our leaf picks and one of our 300mm pressurized filters with our media system.
For more details about this lake, visit the link below:ênio-11-02-2020
João Luis Marine Aquarium
Our friend João Luis' marine aquarium has been under our care for over 10 years and is one of the most beautiful marine aquariums we have ever seen.
The filtration of this aquarium is done by one of our skimmers for aquariums up to 500 liters and an anaerobic filter. It also uses one of our balling dispensers with our elements kit (calcium, magnesium and buffer) and traces.
Konieksna's Disc Aquarium
Konieksna's disc aquarium was built by us and is the third aquarium we've made for konieksna. This aquarium has 550 liters with the main fauna of discus mites.
This aquarium uses our 200mm filter with mechanical and biological filtration and our clay media and plastic media system.
Malheiros marine aquarium
Malheiros marine aquarium was made by us in October 2010. It uses a filtration system made by Aquários Sobrinho with our simplest and oldest skimmer and a sulfur reactor. It also uses our elements kit (calcium, magnesium, buffer) and trace elements.
Carlinhos carp lake
The carp lake at Carlinhos was made by Aquários Sobrinho in Guarapari-ES and uses our filtration system with 2 300mm filters that are completely hidden on top of this rock.
It is a koi pond that has a large waterfall and a filter return system with an underground spring effect.
Gustavo's marine aquarium
Gustavo's marine aquarium was made by Aquários Sobrinho and uses our filtration system, our balling meter, our elements kit and eventually we do maintenance on this aquarium.
CESB School Aquarium
The aquarium at the CESB school in Vila Velha was built by Aquários Sobrinho on a wall between a corridor and the teachers' lounge. It is a very low maintenance simple African cichlid aquarium. This aquarium utilizes our 200mm filter with our expanded clay media system and plastic media.
For more details about this aquarium, visit the link below:ário-da-escola-cesb-em-vila-velha
Alessandro Carp Lake
Alessandro's carp pond was made by Aquários Sobrinho in Vitória-ES in 2018 and only uses our 300mm filter with our media system with expanded clay and plastic media for filtering the pond.
It is a very beautiful koi pond at the entrance of the house that took advantage of a little used space.
For more details on this lake, visit the link below:
Gabi's Aquaterrarium
Gabi's aquaterrário was made by Aquários Sobrinho to keep a "turtle", Doris. It was made with all chipped stone ornamentation. Use one of our 200mm filters with our expanded clay media system and plastic media.
Haras Mytho carp pond
Haras Mytho carp lake was built by Aquários Sobrinho in 2019 in a system of 3 levels of water mirrors connected by small waterfalls. This lake uses as filtration one of our decanters and 2 biological filters with our expanded clay media system and plastic media.
For more details about this lake, just access the link below:
DNA company lake
The DNA Formulas do Brasil company's lake was built by Aquários Sobrinho to function as a leisure area for the company's employees. The lake uses running water and has no filtration system.
For more details about this lake, visit the link below:
Talles Community Aquarium
The Talles aquarium was made by Aquários Sobrinho and has a cascade of sand made in a natural marble stone that is the main detail of this aquarium. This aquarium uses our 200mm canister filter with our expanded clay media system and plastic screen with Siporax.
For more details about this aquarium, just access the link below:ário-do-talles-parte-1
Yudhin's koi pond
The Yudhin Lake was made by Aquários Sobrinho to compose the base of a staircase that connects a gourmet area to the second floor of a garden and the house. This pond features our pond filtration system with our expanded clay media system and plastic screen.
for more details about this lake just access the link below:
Aquários Sobrinho koi pond
This is our carp pond that works as a battery for carp sales. It is ornamented with embedded stones and uses our filtration system. It also has an aquaponics system attached to it.
For more details about this lake, access the link below:
Petland African Cichlid Aquarium
The Petland aquarium was made by Aquários Sobrinho to enhance the store's central space. This aquarium has dimensions of 100 x100x70 centimeters and a central opening to hide the filter and electrical wires.
Compex Lobster Filtration Battery
We made the battery system by the company Compex Pescados for filtering lobster tanks. It was a very challenging project due to the high demand for filtration. It is a system that works for fish, shrimp and other marine animals.
For more details about this system, just access the link below:
Organic Fertilizer Production System
In 2017 we developed a system for producing large quantities of organic fertilizer from cow urine. This system has an aragonite reactor, a biological filter and an oxygen generator, all manufactured by Aquários Sobrinho.
For more details about this organic fertilizer production system, visit the link below:ção-de-fertilizante-orgânico-com-os-filtros-da-aquários-sobrinho
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