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ReatPlus - Media for Aquários Sobrinho Reactors

ratplus reators

ReatPlus, a medium for Sobrinho Aquarium reactors, was developed with the purpose of supplying calcium reactors, sulfur reactors and carbonate reactors, and also to increase the Ph  and the alkaline reserve of lakes, aquariums, store batteries and fish ponds, in a cheap, efficient and safe way.
ReatPlus, a medium for Sobrinho Aquarium reactors, was developed with the purpose of supplying calcium reactors, sulfur reactors and carbonate reactors, and also to increase the Ph  and the alkaline reserve of lakes, aquariums, store batteries and fish ponds, in a cheap, efficient and safe way.

reatplus reatores

ReatPlus Supplies Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Trace Elements and Carbonates to the system, whether in fresh or salt water, improving the development of all aquatic organisms  and increasing the efficiency of biological filters (bacteria filters) .

Ideal for traditional Calcium and Sulfur reactors, it also has excellent behavior in carbonate reactors (fluidized media reactors), since the grains dissolve evenly, maintaining the  controlled biofilm,  they don't stick together and don't build up residues.

For fresh water systems, it can be used in mesh bags (used for activated carbon), placed inside filters or hung in water passage places where they can be removed whenever the desired parameters are reached.  It is an excellent and inexpensive solution for systems with constant Ph and Kh drop problems.

It also presents excellent results in African Cichlids aquariums  (Malawi and Tanganyika), increasing the factors desired by these peculiar fishes and visibly improving the water quality in a few days. For this, it just needs to be added to the aquarium substrate, or placed inside the filters.  

In fish farms, large tanks and lakes, it presents an excellent result, if used in fluidized reactors, allowing the precise control of Ph and Kh, without presenting the  known problems caused by traditional dolomite limestone. In these tanks, the additional supply of calcium, magnesium and trace elements,  improves fish health and provides faster growth due to increased feed conversion of fish and shellfish (shrimp).

Manufactured from selected shells, selected and manually cleaned in mariculture stations (raising oysters and mussels for human consumption), it has a particular grain format, fractured by hand in the form of fine scales that allows greater water flow and greater use of the CO², which provides greater and complete dissolution, without releasing dust or residues.

A studied, perfected, adapted and tested thermal and chemical treatment for years in our aquariums, guarantees total absence of Nitrates, Phosphates or other contaminants, giving complete safety to the product.

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